Friday, December 28, 2012

Developing a Thesis Statement

1.     CheckPoint: Developing a Thesis Statement

·         Resources: Stages of the Research Process; Bias, Rhetorical Devices, and Argumentation; Organizing Your Research Paper; the Time Web site; and the Center for Writing Excellence

·         Review “A Nation Apart” at tp://,9171,1862596,00.html.

·         Consider the strategies Simon Elegant used in his article to support his thesis with compelling arguments and counter arguments.

·         Create a thesis statement for your research paper. To help you craft your thesis, consider using the Thesis Generator at

My thesis statement : Even though pharmaceutical drugs can be very helpful in curing diseases, they can cause more harm than good due to side effects, an individual's dependency, and the breakdown of our natural immune system.

·         Answer the following question: How do you plan to support your thesis with compelling arguments and counter arguments?

My plan for support on my thesis will mainly lean on using statistics talking about the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.  I want to look for cases which may have resulted in injury or death from taking the drugs.  I will use statistics on how dependent some drugs can be.  My theory is natural drugs are better than man-made drugs for curing diseases.  I want to find some information on how our immune system has become dependent on outside help instead of building itself up from the inside.  I will use a strong outline, well defined body structure, and credible sources free from bias, rhetoric and fallacies. 

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