Saturday, December 8, 2012

Capstone CheckPoint

1. Capstone CheckPoint

Due Date: Day 4 [Individual forum]

Answer the following questions in a 100- to 200-word response. Cover each bullet point in your



In the future, how will thinking critically influence the ways that you:

Process information?

Why and how could you apply critical thinking when evaluating each of the following:


Thinking critically will affect all aspects of my life, how I read, write and even process
information. With more knowledge on what critical thinking is and how evaluate what I read, I
can better assimilate what is really important in the information I read. I will be able to see the
truth behind what I read and make me more aware of what I write and how it can be perceived. I
am now able to apply my new critical thinking skills to all types of media. Reading articles I can
better spot the real issues beneath what I am reading. I can better evaluate advertising methods
and spot the difference between hype and truth. When watching the media news I can see what
they are really talking about under all the flash. And in conversations, I can see better how
people really think about what they are saying. Learning to think critically has allowed me to see
better the difference between the truth and the window dressing.

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