Friday, December 28, 2012

Annotated Bibliography

1.     CheckPoint: Annotated Bibliography

As part of the writing process, you must refine your premise several times. Before you eliminate any sources, you must create a record of your research in case you decide to revisit an idea. An annotated bibliography tracks your research and compiles summaries of each source. These summaries are valuable resources for writing your final paper.

·         Resources: Finding, Evaluating, and Utilizing Credible Information; Appropriate Style Guidelines; the Center for Writing Excellence; and the completed Appendix D

·         Review the sample annotated bibliography at the Center for Writing Excellence at

·         Review the examples of reference sources at the Center for Writing Excellence at

·         Complete an annotated bibliography of the sources you plan to use in your research paper.

·         Determine what you must do to convert the annotated bibliography to an APA-formatted reference page as part of the rough draft of your research paper. Explain your answer.

·         Post the annotated bibliography as an attachment.

Anonymous, (Mar 2009). Pharmaceuticals; Studies from V.J. Wirtz et al provide new data on pharmaceuticals.  Retrieved Sept 2009, from ProQuest database.
This is a very short paragraph briefly summarizing a survey done by V.J. Wirtz to analyze how much customers knew about the prescription drugs they were buying.  This shows one way how drugs can be harmful, misinformation or uneducated consumers. 
Ayo, J, Agu, H, Madaki, I (2005). Food and drug interactions: its side effects.  doi: 10.1108/00346650510605630
This is a great article on how pharmaceutical drugs interact with our dietary habits.  It starts with a short introduction about how diet affects all stages of the life cycle.  It goes on to talk about dietary habits and utilizing drugs.  The article talks at length on how certain drugs can affect your metabolism and even excretion of nutrients.  There is a short section on supplements and increasing knowledge for consumers.  Also, there are three tables which outline the effects of food on drug absorption, drug action and nutritional status.  It also has an extensive reference list for further reading.

CIWMB (May 2009) Pharmaceutical Drug Waste, Retrieved Sept 2009.
This article is compiled by the California Intergrated Waste Management Board on the California government site.  It has great information on pharmaceutical waste. The article starts with a brief background, definition of pharmaceutical waste, the law on waste. It gives you information on where to dispose of pharmaceuticals and additional resources for waste information.  There is also a section on stakeholder involvement development criteria and procedures and also model programs.        

MNT (Aug 2008), Toxic Drugs, Toxic System: Sociologist Predicts Drug Disasters, Says Prescription Drug Harm Growing, Drug Testing, Approval And Marketing Flaws, Adapted from original press release.   Retrieved Sept 2009.
This article some good information about drug disasters and how prescription drug harm is growing.  This article is adapted from an original press release and cites the source as Jackie Cooper from the American Sociological Association.     

ONDCP, Prescription Drugs Facts and Figures,  Retrieved Sept 2009.
This article is from the Office of National Drug Control Policy and has useful facts on certain drugs.  The article has facts such as extent of use, effects on health, how to treat addiction, consequences of prescription fraud, what constitutes production and trafficking and some street terminology.         There are also some other links for reference for further reading and several cited sources of information.

Prescription Drugs and Their Potentially Adverse Effects, (Nov 2003). Retrieved Sept 2009
This article from News is a short article but has some great statistics about the potential adverse effects of prescription drugs.  This is a great source to support my theory of my paper.

Rawlins, Michael D. (Sep. 2009).  Pharmacology   The Oxford Companion to Medicine. Retrieved Sept. 2009, from Oxford reference Online database
This is a great article on information about Pharmacology which is the study of the effects of chemicals on living bodies.  The article starts with its historical development, moves on to drug actions on the body, a bit about how drugs are handled by the body, then a scientific basis of therapeutics, and a short part on the development of new drugs. 

Rohrlich, J, (Aug 2009) Eight Prescription Drugs with Truly Alarming Side Effects,  Retrieved Sept 2009.
This is a great article telling the side effects of eight common prescription drugs that have very alarming effects.  The first page talks about several illnesses and cites a few examples of illness that may not be actual illnesses.  The author gives his reasoning for this and has backup from a few quotes on individuals from a well known medical school.  On page two, there is a short paragraph on each of the eight common prescription drugs and their listed side effects.

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