Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Reading and Comprehension

GEN105 Week 7 Checkpoint

1.     CheckPoint: Reading and Comprehension
·         Resources: Ch. 4 of Keys to College Studying, 8 Secrets to a Knockout Business Presentation
·         Due Date: Day 4 [Individual] forum
·         Use the reading 8 Secrets to a Knockout Business Presentation to carefully time yourself as you read the article. When finished, calculate your words-per-minute reading rate using the instructions from p. 140 of the text.
·         Summarize main points from the reading into a short, bulleted list. Then provide your answers to the following questions in a 200-to 300-word response:
                o What was your approach to reading the selection?
                o What was your reading setting?
                o How did you minimize distractions?
                o Did you become emotionally involved?
                o Which of the four reading purposes did you employ? You can list more than one.
reading for basic comprehension; reading to learn
                o List new vocabulary terms, and provide their definitions.
·        Dig Deep
·        Avoid Overload
·        Practice
·        No Comedy
·        Powerful Props
·        Minimize
·        Speak the Language
·        Simple Slides
My approach to the reading selection was with an open mind.  Without an open mind, it is difficult to absorb what the writer is trying to teach you.  My reading setting is where my computer sits, in the living room of my home.  This can be a difficult place to read or study so I employ a few tactics to minimize distractions.  I use three things to ensure I can absorb as much information as possible and minimize distractions.  One, I turn the television volume off or low.  Two, I wait for my kids to be in bed.  And three, I get comfortable.  Noise from the kids makes it difficult to study as my five year old constantly wants my attention.   She needs new stimulus every couple of minutes and usually that comes from me.  So I just wait until the kids are in bed.  I am usually up really late so this is not a problem.  Turning the television volume down helps eliminate noise level without erasing all noise.  Silence would be a distraction in itself.  Getting comfortable incorporates getting a drink or anything else I may need without having to interrupt my reading before I am done. 
This reading assignment was emotionally fulfilling since I take a joy in learning new things, particularly when it can help me with my work or improve my lifestyle in some way.  I love reading and do it as a hobby so most reading I find enjoyable.  My purpose for reading this selection was for basic comprehension and willingness to learn.  The best thing about the reading selection, there were no unfamiliar vocabulary terms

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